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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Theta Healing & Me : By Kiran Chhabria

Kiran Chhabria is a the Director of Jumbo Electronics, one of the largest chain of electronic retail stores in the Middle East. She is also a talented writer and has a fetish for gadgets, cars, art, photography, spirituality and especially books, which are her most prized possession. Kiran is one person we know who will purchase the harvard business review, vogue and the latest book on spirituality all at once. She has a love for all things luxurious and exclusive, while OBSESSIVELY pursuing the most elusive of them all.. Detachment! She is a regular at Illuminations workshops and has been a tremendous support towards our initiative to spread awareness on the power of the self, mind and consciousness. For those who know Kiran, her journey is nothing short of inspiring. To learn more about Kiran Chhabria, become a follower on her blog:

Below she shares her experience with theta healing, the workshops and Vianna Stibal:

I could say I found Theta Healing or I could say Theta Healing found me, and both would be true. For those who don't know what Theta is, it's a quick, easy and very beautiful way to connect with God, the Creator, Universal life-force energy, or whatever other name you'd like to call it by.Having studied Reiki and being a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I was very interested in the workings of the mind and of Spirituality in general. I'd heard about Theta, done a bit of reading on it, and decided to go take the basic course that was taking place in Dubai. That was when I found Theta. I wish I could say I was amazed by its teachings and its ease and simplicity, but the truth is quite the opposite. I couldn't understand how it worked, how one could actually heal instantaneously, "scan" peoples bodies or the most ridiculous of them all, change beliefs instantaneously! While I'd seen Faith Healers on TV and even believed that maybe Vianna, the pioneer of Theta Healing, had healed herself instantaneously of cancer, I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of changing a persons BELIEFS. I believed that my beliefs were MINE.. i'd given them birth, raised them, nurtured them, fed them, and lived with some of them, for better or for worse, through most of my life! And someone was now claiming I could change my negative ones instantly? How does that even work? I'd decided Theta Healing was definitely not for me.Almost a year later, I was going through a bit of a rough emotional patch, and was looking for something or someone to help ease that discomfort a little bit. A friend of mine told me about this amazing therapist she was going to, who did Pranic Healing as well as Theta, and I decided to give her a shot. I went in having zero expectations and was hoping to feel a bit better, if only momentarily- like a therapeutic massage for the soul. After my sessions, I realized I was feeling a lot less chaotic in my mind, and I found my negative thought patterns.. those beliefs I had clung on so dearly to... suddenly not hold true anymore. It's a strange feeling when you say out loud something you've believed for too many years for you to count, and then smile because you realize the energy around your words and feelings had dissipated. This is when Theta found me.Those sessions empowered me to the extent that it made me want to take the course again and understand all that I'd missed the first time around, so I could work on myself. Armed with an open mind and the benefit of experience, I went in and sat with wide eyed wonder through the same course that I'd once scoffed at. So impressed I was with what I learnt, last month I actually flew to Vegas to do the Teachers Training with Vianna for the basic and advanced courses. While I am still unsure as to whether I will ever teach Theta, learning from her, the Source, was an experience that was indescribable! Theta has helped me not only reconnect with my deceased father, but also our ultimate Father, the Creator.I was telling a friend of mine recently, about how a week after my course was done, I'd sat alone in my quiet hotel room in New York, and felt a bit of a strange feeling come over me. "I wondered what it was," I said to her, "till suddenly I realized what it was I was feeling!" It was contentment. My whole journey would have been worth it, if only for that one fleeting moment.To find out more about Theta Healing, go to find out more about Theta courses in Dubai or the UAE, go to


  1. Hi there, I came across your blog & had to comment. I was Vianna Stibal's daughter-in-law for 7 years, and after her son, Josh, left me pregnant w/ our 4th child (for a mistress welcomed into "THInK"), I did some research. Not only did Josh con people out of over $100,000, but ThetaHealing is a well orchestrated lie. Vianna is not a naturopath, as she claims. They've given out illegal Doctorate Degrees. (Vianna didn't even graduate from high school)And, from my research she did NOT heal herself of cancer (and it looks as though she never even had it). She is a charlatan. TH is a well orchestrated pyramid scheme, with deceit at its core. There is a major lawsuit currently... people are asking for their money back. Please just look around before you invest anymore time or money. If you still choose to use ThetaHealing, then I only wish you well! I discuss this on my blog if you care to look... Best to you in everything, Lindsey Stock

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  2. Knowledge is PowerApril 17, 2010 at 7:40 PM

    Another comment. Check out the 2010 SCAMMY AWARDS, for further information on Vianna Stibal. Enough people had to vote in order to put her to the top with James A. Ray, who was involved in the fatality of three people in a sweat lodge last year in Arizona, USA. Point is, Vianna is a fraud of the highest degree. The comment before mine, already states that she is NOT a naturopath like she has claimed for over 15 years. She is a con artist. Others teaching the practices of theta healing may begin with pure hearts, but it doesn't take long to understand that it's all based on lies. Vianna has stolen the works of many other modalities and healers, claiming them to be her own. And what's worse, claiming that they come from GOD, CREATOR, SOURCE or whatever. Do not be tricked. If you've had a good experience from this form of "healing", it's probably because at first, it's exciting to experience something new and unique. It is NOT lasting. We all have within us, belief ability. Ever hear of "mind over matter"? An old concept. There is nothing new or unique to theta healing. Vianna has lied about curing her own cancer, like she has lied about her education. She has no higher education. I'm all about changing negative beliefs etc., but there is no need to pay thousands of dollars to unskilled, uneducated charlatans!

  3. There definitely is an extreme amount of aggressiveness towards thetahealing in the two posts before mine. I really have no idea what kind of experiences you've had with thetahealing, so I wont judge you, nor will I add fuel to your argument against thetahealing. I will however, give my account on my theta healing experiences. I was 12 years old when my parents died in a car crash. Since then, I've been raised by my aunt and have secluded myself from getting too close to people. You could say I was deeply traumatized. I've been overly depressed and became sickly. One morning, my cousin came home smiling. She said she found a way to relieve me of my pain, and that would be theta healing. She learned it from a friend who is a practitioner. She taught it to me after her excitement ceased. Now, I'm using the meditative qualities of theta healing to relax my thought and ease my burden. My trauma has been dissolved and I feel a lot better about myself and people around me. Finally I can move on.

  4. You're right Alice, clearly the amount of anger shown is hard to ignore. For me, the two aggressive post doesn't feel like an opinion, but more or less a demolition job. I will however follow suit to the decency that you've shown, and offer my own experience about Thetahealing.

    As a writer, my mind is my primary tool. If it's not in its peak condition, then I could very much expect experiencing severe writer's block in my upcoming works. About, a year ago, my younger brother was mugged and killed on his way home from work. The sudden tragic loss pushed me to the brink of depression. I work for a well-known newspaper, and during the first week after the incident, I was hardly able to maintain a solid thought, even to the extent of me not being able to write on my own diary. Yes, it was that bad. I began to worry for my job, but I can't help it. I just can't work feeling that down. looking through the countless alternative medicine and self-help blogs, I stumbled on a site about Thetahealing. The concept of Thetahealing intrigued me, so I contacted the practitioner and requested to be scheduled for a session. That first session led at another one, and then another on, and then another one. The feeling I get after the sessions was well worth my time. I was able to keep a decent frame of thought, and perform my job efficiently after that. Thetahealing saved my sanity, my job, and my life.

  5. Just like all the other therapy sessions, Thetahealing may undergo a longer process. But if you are really willing to cooperate during the therapy, the progress will be much faster. I believe our mind is the most important weapon in every battle that we face.

    Indeed, it is very inevitable to feel depressed or jaded because of difficulties that come in our way. The tendency: we feel hopeless, and want to surrender the battle. Through Theta healing, we can regain our courage, and at the same time, boost the positive energies that lets us be an optimist in life.

  6. The "aggressive" posts as a couple have stated above have good reason to be aggressive. Vianna Stibal founded Theta Healing 15 years ago. She claims world-wide in her seminars and classes that she cured herself of leg cancer. Some websites claim that she had leukemia 15 years ago. They are fake stories, pumped up to achieve what she's gained, world-wide acceptance as a healer, teacher and intuitive. Problem is, Vianna never had cancer and there is documented proof that she didn't. So, that being the case, her entire business is based on fraud. For anyone to think that they're being healed or "saved" in some way due to the miracles of Theta Healing, is fooling themselves. Consider this: There are many ways to overcome sadness, depression, illness etc. The aggressive nature of alerting the unsuspecting public is a duty of anyone with integrity. To ignore the warnings becomes a personal choice.

  7. See the author's follow-up post 1 year later:

  8. I want to warn anyone playing with theta healings to be very very scared!!!!I was at a very weak minded time in my life and a few teachers and practitioners of theta healing worked on me and told me to do things that completely ruined my life, they destroyed me and I was hospitalized and put away in a mental facility because of the healing work they did on me that played with my mind and caused me to fall apart. I can say they told me I had diseases I didn't have , they told me to say things and do things that completely destroyed me as a mother , a wife, and a person in general. When I was falling apart I called them in fear asking for help , telling them I was suicidal because of what they did and they were cold, distant and extremely uncaring and acted as though it was no big deal. I battled a mental , emotional, and physical breakdown because of them and the work they did for me. They do not care what they have caused they do not live my life that they left in crumbles and they did not care that I almost lost everything because of them and what they advised me to do to heal. I would tell everyone be so very scared of these healings, they play on you when your weak and make you feel you don't want to heal if you don't do what they have advised. I wish I was in my right mind when I did as they told me to do, but as a survivor of their healings I pray no one else has to ever go through what i experienced! I want to warn everyone to be as scared as possible they do not care what they may cause in anyones life and they only care about how your paying them, and they convince you that you are a bad person and you need to heal, what God judges any of us, no God , be careful cause they are not professional therapists, they can really screw with your mind and convince you of many things ,that are not true about yourself, and like myself maybe destroy your life. Trust me I must of had many real Angels protecting me to bring me back to my sanity and see what they did to me that made me a complete mess for almost two years, and almost ruined my life completely! If you work with any of them just know not many have had professional help for themselves don't allow them to cause you to need professional help after you deal with them! Research who you work with how I truly wish I did!!!

    1. Very interesting. I have a friend taking these courses and I'm worried. Please explain some of the things they convince you to do! Thank you

  9. I read the follow up post to this blog post
    follow up blog post here

    The only form of healing that works for me is
    Light Axis Healing It healed my emotions and my physical body. It was the most realistic and effective form of healing I have had. Thanks

  10. Theta healing is technique that is used for cure unconscious mind and move the person to conscious mind.I am thankful to this technique

  11. I could say I found Theta Healing or I could say Theta Healing found me, and both would be true. For those who don't know what Theta is, it's a quick, easy and very beautiful way to connect with God, the Creator, Universal life-force energy, or whatever other name you'd like to call it by.

  12. Wow, I'm flabbergasted by the stature of information on the site. There is a ton of good resources here. I know I will check out this page again THETAHEALING.

  13. I agree with you, awesome Your post is highly informative and interesting, thanks for sharing this valuable information.THETAHEALING


  15. After going through all these "cons and pros" messages and opinions about TH, I have to say, I am intrigued and will have to learn more about the techniques themselves. Maybe, take a course too just to be more or less "on the inside" before forming my own opinion. But I already have several questions:
    1. If TH is using meditative techniques and relaxing our conscious mind to release subconsciousness, how this is different and better than, say, transcendental meditation? Zen meditation? Other types and forms of meditations? What is so unique?
    2. I read quite a lot about TH on internet by now and I have a feeling that it is all about teaching... It does have a resemblance with a "pyramid" scheme. Everybody teaches everybody... Do these teachers practice healing and actually heal people or do they make money only by teaching others?
    I have been practicing lucid dreaming and Out-Of-Body experiences, called Astral Travels or Astral Projections for many years now and as a side effect learned that I do heal myself and members of my family once and then, while out of my physical body at night. I also learned from works of others and my own experiences the structure of the world beyond physical, in which we are at the moment. And I have to say... what TH is suggesting is a "shortcut to God, to Creator"... I have enough knowledge and experience to say that there is no such thing. It is like saying that anybody who learned to ride a bicycle can jump into Formula-1 and do the same and even be at the finishing line first. Still, there are things I have to learn before saying to myself if it is fraud or not.

  16. To know the full story, you have to read the follow up blog post where she stops doing theta healing because she no longer likes theta. Paste the URL address into your browser, as the link may not work.

    The Follow Up Blog Post - The Rest of This Story

    The Most Powerful form of Spiritual Healing that I have ever had is called:
    Light Axis Healing

  17. It has become a bit of a pyramid scheme and they keep adding these theme classes like the game of life and weight loss classes and mentoring classes and it just seems to me that it is just to pump themselves up to keep going.
    It just seems to be getting out of hand and a bit preposterous as the different theta groups cheer each other on.

    What has been sorely lost is an ethical component to all this and the so-called healers who are great professors of "changing the world " are not held up to any code of personal ethics, which I think is a great concern when someone is undertaking to guide a client who gives their trust to them.
    Many of these healers, high up in the Vianna chain, have huge personal issues that they never have resolved and still have very serious health issues, which makes me really wonder...
    They toss the word gratitude around as if they live by that, and many do not. They leave their spouses, which happens some time but the thing is how they treat them and how they leave. Without compassion and certainly no sign of gratitude. I've personally seen an unfortunate series of attacks and anger on the very person that the healer himself really horrifically betrayed.
    I have seen this in people who know they've behaved badly and rather than own up to that and try to be civilized, just turns it in on the person that they hurt, trying to avoid responsibility.
    It is hard enough to see, behavior like that period. Shameful really. But to see it in a so called healer that runs a center for Theta Healing and has a very strong endorsement by the leader herself... quite frankly frightens me. The key to this is this philosophy that has evolved in the Theta Community, which quite frankly resembles an attitude of you can create your world to be anything you want, WITHOUT TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY ON HOW IT AFFECTS OTHERS, in any way. That is their problem.

  18. Sounds Interesting... It is very informative and I Like this Post....

    Theta Healing

  19. If anyone wants to join me in a class action lawsuit against Vianna Stibal please contact me through There is a lawyer I spoke with looking for more people who have taken her courses or any DNA Theta Healing Course for this lawsuit. It's based on the grounds that the modality is false, doesn't work, and all based on the proof that she never had cancer in her leg and the modality never healed it. She's a liar.

  20. Their classes and groups are expanding to South America... I am in BRazil, where my mom is considering taking the course, tonight we are going to check one of their seminars, just for curiosity sake.. I am telling her this is a pyramd scheme like many others out there... people are desperate to heal themselves, and there are so many offers to help them in exchange for money, so lets all watch out dear ones..... yes, we all need / use some sorf of medicine to go through this life without going completely insane, so let us all choose it wisely...

    stay safe out there my friends

  21. Theta healing technique is an alternative healing method created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. She created the technique after she got healed of lymphatic cancer. The technique annexes the power of the brain’s Theta waves to remove blocks in the subconscious mind, and substitute them with positive energies. The removal of these blocks leads to better emotional balance and improved physical wellbeing.

    1. The Theta Healing technique combines science and spirituality to offer a great number of benefits to users. These include helping the individual attain a great level of good health, helping them unlock their creative potentials, giving them better emotional balance, aiding them in the search for a compatible partner, helping them to enhance their intuitive powers, and several more.

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