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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And so the drama unfolds....

When I was a little girl, say 9 or maybe 10, I had this odd feeling in my gut and I just could not seem to shake it off. It seemed so absurd and impossible yet so real and alive… I truly felt like my whole universe was a conspiracy theory, a theatrical of some sort where everyone, yes everyone was playing their part for me! It wasn’t because I wanted to be the centre of attention or had self worth issues, though I must confess both were lessons to be learnt but this feeling of being in some sort of universal play of which I was the heroine was a conviction which was growing stronger. As the years rolled by I tried to shake the insane thought away feeling more like a victim of the drama of life rather than the heroine I was supposed to be, after all if life was a play in which I was the lead then shouldn’t I get to lay on that bed of roses, sing the summer songs and walk my pretty heels upto the bank? And since that wasn’t happening I pretty much succumbed to the age old tale of someone up there creating my destiny, looking out for me and basically calling the shots. I gave up control over my passionately penned drama and gave in to chance.

I had allowed destiny to unfold and so it did giving me some thrills and some misses just as destiny does. But behind the scenes of this enormous drama of life a voice inside kept nagging me… whispering and sometimes shouting out loud in frustration, “get up and do something girl, you’re the one in charge.” But when I still ignored and wrapped myself tighter in the designer dresses something or someone intervened. This self imposed miracle was just the reality check I needed to rediscover my true identity – the power of my existence as the creator of my life.

I was a new mother overwhelmed by work pressure and family commitments, trying hard to cope, keeping a brave front but internally completely jarred by what life had become. It isn’t surprising now that my body surrendered to a testing infection that completely wrecked my life. Emotionally I had let the external pressures get to me and physically the breakdown followed. Battered by a weakened system and plagued by stress I could barely recognize myself. Yet again that voice inside my head came back to save me “You have created this for yourself and only you can heal yourself from this situation.” This time I accepted the voice as friendly advice and began seeking.

The universe is such when you completely open your heart to something, the right doors magically open up in front of you. So it was a friend who lent me some self help books that helped me to start my journey to recovery and beyond. I began to remember… I had always believed but believing without knowing is like throwing darts in the dark but when you remember what you already know conviction comes into play and you become the master of your own destiny. And then even though you may accept the gracious universal help that comes your way every single day, you know that ultimately only you yourself can decide what conspires in your drama of life.

Perhaps that’s why Hypnotherapy in my opinion is the best tool that we’ve concocted to look within ourselves to find the real truth because here you come to understand that it is only you who has all the answers, it is only you who needs to know and it is also only you who can tell. Nothing is impossible and healing is a miracle that happens from within with the simple understanding that if you’ve created a situation for a reason there is definitely a way for you to un-create or re-write it cause again and I want to reinforce this, in your divine drama of life it is you who writes, directs and plays the leela of life.

Ruchi Khanna is a Qualified Hypnotherapist working part-time with Illuminations. She is also a creative free lance writer of great repute, and founder of the popular show 'High Life' Dubai.
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