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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dare to Dream...

By Dipa Shivani

Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they lead you to your destiny.

We all have numerous expectations from our life and ourselves. When we were young, we had dreams that became expectations from life. Expectations encouraged us to plan our life. We used to dream of what we want to do, what we want to be, what makes us happy, how we can please our parents. Our childhood was very naïve, at that stage we used to dream of getting good marks so that our parents can keep up their promise. Promise to take us to a park, to buy us chocolates, to buy new pair of Barbie sandals, to buy a spider-man bag. These promises encouraged us to dream.

As we grow up, our life seems to move in its own direction. Circumstances around us don’t seem to listen to our inner voice. They don’t seem to understand that we want to achieve our dreams. We accept success and failure and we move on. Circumstances like work pressure, family responsibilities, break-up in love or any relationship, busy lifestyle all these kill our dreams and derail us from our plan for life.

Things change, but don’t let these changes steal your dream. Get-up, move on towards the vision and achieve your dreams. People around you will encourage or discourage you. The encouragements will speed –up your run towards your goal. But the discouragements will lower you morale. Consider such discouragements as obstacles and just walk through them bravely. There are countless examples of people who have hung on their dreams and have seen them come true. Hugh Hefner of Playboy magazine did not put a date on his first issue because he was not sure that there would be another one. Helen Mirren had won her first Oscar when she was past 60! Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, suffered ridicule and rejection for more than 50 years before his work was recognized. It’s not the age that counts but having ability to dream and the courage to pursue that dream.

You don’t have any dream? Then find one! If you can not dream for your self, then dream for the ones you love and work towards accomplishing that dream. Make that dream a giant one, put a dead line on it and put all your efforts towards achieving it. Initially you will face hurdles, but eventually things will fall in place and finally you will achieve your dream. Keep dreaming because dreams will keep you alive. You have to understand that to achieve something, have faith and belief in yourself. Know your worth, work hard with determination, dedication and sincerity, you will see your dream come true. All this is not magic but it’s your efforts that are putting life into your dreams.

To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.” - Bernard Edmonds

Dipa is working as training officer with Emirates Airlines and is settled in Dubai for past 29 years. She wants to thank illuminations for giving her an opportunity to post her first blog.

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